Funding the Green Future, Together.
MyGreenFund is a non-profit dedicated to funding green and sustainable initiatives globally. Join our cause by redeeming the great promo codes provided by our partner brands.
MyGreenFund is currently focused on funding projects currently approved on the United Nations Carbon Offset platform. The rigorous UN approval process ensures our funding is given to high impact, legitimate green and sustainable projects.
Experience the incredible impact of green energy with the Sichuan Miyaluo Hydroelectric Station! Situated in Li County, Aba State of Sichuan Province, China, an economically disadvantaged area, this innovative hydropower initiative is poised to reshape the way we think about sustainable energy.
Experience the incredible impact of green energy with the Sichuan Miyaluo Hydroelectric Station! Situated in Li County, Aba State of Sichuan Province, China, an economically disadvantaged area, this innovative hydropower initiative is poised to reshape the way we think about sustainable energy.
Experience the incredible impact of green energy with the Sichuan Miyaluo Hydroelectric Station! Situated in Li County, Aba State of Sichuan Province, China, an economically disadvantaged area, this innovative hydropower initiative is poised to reshape the way we think about sustainable energy.
The MyGreenFund Mission
MyGreenFund has a mission to fund the most green and sustainable projects globally by 2035. This means our non-profit organization will have made more charitable donations to approved initiatives and projects in 2035 than any other organization in the world that year.
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